Sunday, October 9, 2016

The role of the artist

Since Giotto, the role of the artist was to make place for the individual to express himself against the norms of the society, through this to open the space for each human to create a unique being outside of the existing common structures. Now, this de-composition reached its limit when it decomposed through irony the de-composition itself, even before being created. The role of the artist has to be re-thought in this context, as a new opener of roads. The artist has the mission to bind the individual human being, as individual self-standing creature, liberated from the canons of the society, to its own sub-consciousness representing the common substrata of mankind. For this, the artist has to change his approach from a rapist of the existing norms, where it decomposes through shock the status-quo, to a bringer of piece, which seduces the now lost into the individuality humans towards a self-connection to their inner selves. For this to happen, the artist has to pass the stage of external art, where beauty is expressed in front of the audience (no touch type of painting, dancing, theater, sculpture) to a more direct means of drastically changing the perceptions similar to participative dancing, food making and eating and mind altering drugs. Large number of perils have to be considered: the current human being is a stiff animal with a fosilized spine due to the large time of sitting on chairs in offices and pushed by the limited remaining society rules to not engage in any open activities starting from the basic religious services to the expresion of its own identity through public manifestations such as dancing and through the repressing of all its sexual nature (stemming from the archaic iudaistic society). In thix context, the artist has again the role to break the barriers, now not of the society perception, but of the individuals, to make them move towards their inner findings, towards what defines them as human beings. For this to happen, the artist has to isolate the individuals from the society, to bring to the chance of the encounter in loneliness, to be able to stop the monkey-talk and to replace it with the common understanding that we are one with the universe, that each piece of consciousnes in us is an autonomous representation of the consciousness of the universe perceptually separated in order to be able to exist however unified through its essence. How this could be done, I wish I had an answer.

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