Sunday, October 9, 2016

About Hell

In an abundance dominated society like ours, the hell is created by us. Previously, when people were huntinting, the hell was the tiger and the wolf. To tame this danger, the man identified with the wolf and the tiger, copied their behaviour and bring them to an acceptable co-existence and now dominated form. Then, with agriculture, the people brought the sun and the floods and the rain under the taming power, through bringing a collaborative means based on acceptance and petitioning towards a new breed of Gods. With technology, build so dense and so powerful that it can wipe out the Earth, the humans have to redesign the taming mechanisms in order to eliminate the fear. Now, living and dying in a society of abundance where the life span has doubled and soon will triple to the previous where the death rates at birth are minimal (especially for a statistics dominated species like rats and humans, the hell moved inside. We have to live with ourselves. A redeemer in such conditions is a person which enables the people to connect with the innerselves against the childhood trauma and to reach the equilibrium. This is not possible without bringing the people back to conscious driven rituals. Buildining of rituals needs the building of habits. To build habits a sort of dependency has to be created such as in the form of drug dependency (or toothcleaning for the matter). Maybe a pockemon Go based on meditation techniques?

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